Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
Interested in the Catholic Faith? Over 7 years old and desiring Baptism? Welcome!
Adults meet every Second Monday of the month in the Enrichment Center at 6 p.m.
Children meet every Last Monday of the month in the Enrichment Center at 6 p.m.
For more information, contact Mickey Mickler at Mickey@SanSebastianCatholicChurch.com
Celebrated in English on the FIRST SUNDAY of the month at 2 p.m. Celebrated in Spanish on the SECOND SUNDAY of the month at 1 p.m. Baptism for children age 7 or above and for adults is celebrated through our OCIA process. Parents and godparents must attend a baptismal preperation class. Godparents MUST be at least 16 years old, a practicing Catholic, and Confirmed. You must be a registered parishioner to have your child baptised at San Sebastian or have written permission form you home parish priest. To begin this process, please contact Victoria at the church office. Godparent Eligibility Form
Reconciliation (Confession)
Celebrated every Saturday from 2:45-3:45 p.m., after every weekday Mass, or by appointment. For information about preparation for First Reconciliation, please contact Mickey at the church office. First Reconciliation Class Schedule
First Holy Communion - Registration Form
Children 7 years and above, who have been actively attending Religious Education for the last two consecutive years, and whose families are registered parishioners of San Sebastian, are eligible for Preparation. Adults are prepared for both First Communion and Confirmation through our OCIA process. For information about preparation for First Communion or OCIA, please contact Mickey at the church office. First Communion Class Schedule
Confirmation - Registration Form
Celebrated with our bishop once a year usually in the Spring. Please contact the church office for information on sessions to prepare adults or youth Grades 8 - 12 for this Sacrament. For information about preparation for Confirmation, please contact Mickey at the church office. Confirmation Class Schedule
Anointing of the Sick
Please contact the church office at 904-824-6625. We minister to those who are homebound, in the hospital, or at a nursing home facility.
Couples must meet with their home parish priest at least eight months before the intended marriage. You must be a registered parishioner to attend marriage preparation at this parish. For non-parishioners or those living outside of the diocese, please contact your home parish first before arranging your ceremony at San Sebastian. For more information on the marriage norms, please visit the Diocese of St. Augustine website.
Holy Orders
If you are considering a vocation to the priesthood, contact the Diocesan Vocations Office at vocations@dosafl.com. For more information, visit the Diocese of St. Augustine website.
Diocese of Saint Augustine policy:
Sacraments are to be conferred in the family’s “home parish”: the parish in which you are officially registered and participate with your Stewardship of Time, Talent, and Treasure.
The following must precede the reception of a Sacrament of Iniciation for children:
Youth who have actively attended two consecutive years of a formal religious faith formation catechetical program and who regularly attend weekend Mass are invited to participate in Sacramental Preparation classes for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. If your child was not in a Catholic Religious Education program last year, then your child must attend two consecutive years before he/she is eligible to receive Sacraments.