Community Outreach

Angel Tree - every year at Christmas we provide presents for low income families and the elderly through our Catholic Charities Angel Tree. Respect Life Committee coordinates this event.

Blood Drive - Knights of Columbus coordinates this event.

Diaper Drive - Ongoing drive to collect diapers and wipes for the St. Gerard House. We can only accept donations that are packaged. A basket for your donations is available in the Gathering Space.

Food and Fun Fridays - the 4th Friday of the month from 12 noon until 2 p.m. San Sebastian provides a free non-perishable food for the elderly, those on fixed incomes, and families in our community. To sign up to receive donations, please contact the church office. To volunteer, contact Eva Greene at (904) 710-2258. Donations are accepted in the Gathering Space.

Saturday Food Drive - the 3rd Saturday of the month from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. San Sebastian provides fresh food for those in need. No need to sign up beforehand.

Food Sharing - An evening meal for the homeless in St. Augustine the 3rd Tuesday of the month. To volunteer for this great community outreach, contact Lydia Quiles at 904-687-8169 or email

Prayer blankets/shawls - Do you have a passion for knitting, crocheting, or sewing? Our ministry prayerfully crafts blankets for the sick and those in need of comfort. To join, contact Leaugeay at

Prison Ministry - Join Deacon Santiago minister to prisoners at the County Jail every Saturday 8-11 a.m. To volunteer, contact Deacon Santiago at (904) 540-2660 or


St. Johns County Pet Adoption and Holding Center - A donation basket is located in the Gathering Space. Needed: pet foods, treats, blankets, towels, and toys.

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