Bishop Paul Tanner assigned Fr. John O'Flaherty to build a Catholic Parish west of the San Sebastian River.
The first Masses were held in the flower shop of Mr. & Mrs. Carcaba. A larger facility was soon needed.
Mr. John Shugart volunteered the use of his Palmer Street warehouse.
The parish was moved to Palmer Street after the building was renovated into a beautiful church seating 256.
With the future already in mind, an additional 5.5 acres of land were purchased along State Road 16.
Construction on the future church began, providing seating for 340 with additional seating in the social hall for 200.
On September 30, 1973 the new San Sebastian Church was officially dedicated in a Mass celebrated by Bishop Paul Tanner.
Fr. O'Flaherty announced plans to build a new Rectory within five years.
Three additional lots were purchased on Glimpse of Glory Road bringing the total property to 14.5 acres.
A small garage was built behind the church for storage.
A platform was added to the sanctuary area for the presidential chair and altar servers' chairs.
Fr. Doug Reed purchased a double-wide mobile home to serve as a Rectory/Friary until a home could be built.
The ground-breaking ceremony for the new Rectory was held.
The new Rectory was dedicated on the 10th anniversary of the dedication of the Church.
Area growth leads to the need to enlarge the church.
Committees were formed and an architect, Sr. Barbara Cekosh, was contracted to draw up plans.
In March the parish joined together for a "Kick-Off Dinner" for our "Continuing the Vision" New Church Building Campaign.
The ground-breaking ceremony for the new Church was held on August 27, 2005.
September 15, 2007 the dedication of our new church was celebrated with Bishop Victor Galeone presiding.
December 2, 2007 the San Sebastian Carillon Gift Shop opened.
February 9, 2008 the San Sebastian Parish Library opened.
October 15, 2010 Fr. John D. Gillespie took over as pastor for retiring Fr. Thomas P. Walsh.
Kicked Off 2nd phase of the Capital Campaign for the Religious Education Enrichment Center.
August 19, 2017 Ground Breaking for our Religious Education Enrichment Center.
August 24, 2019 the dedication of the new Religious Education Enrichment Center was celebrated with Bishop Felipe Estévez "O Christ, our Teacher, may our building be a home for those who seek to grow in faith, knowledge, and service of others."