Prayer Blanket Ministry

Free prayer blankets are available to pick up in the Church Office!

Volunteers make prayer blankets and pray for those in need. A small card is included with the blanket or shawl. Blankets are only available for pick up as we are not able to send them through the mail.

This prayer blanket is presented to you by the Prayer Blanket Ministry of San Sebastian. It has been crafted with loving prayers for your healing of body, mind, and soul. As we are sewing, we pray for the recipient of each blanket. When the blankets are completed, they are placed in front of the altar at Mass and the congregation is asked to pray for the recipient.

After Mass the blankets are blessed by our Pastor and placed before the Blessed Sacrament at Eucharistic Adoration from 8:30am until 6pm and again the people are asked to pray for the recipient. They are then distributed to those in need. As you are covered with this blanket, may you feel the warm embrace and peace of the one who made it and those who prayed over it, as well as the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father.

Please share any healing, comfort or graces received to so that we may join in your prayer of celebrating God's mercy and love.


For more information on the ministry, please email

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