Liturgical Ministries

Are you interested in sharing your time and talent during the Mass?

Call the church office to learn about the requirements for each role.

Altar servers - Assist the priest and deacon at Mass. Must have received First Holy Communion and be mature enough to be reverent and alert.

Children's Liturgy of the Word - Teens and adults lead children grades K - 4 in breaking open the Word of God at the 10:00 a.m. Mass each Sunday.

Extraordinary Ministers - Assist in the distribution of Communion to the faithful at Mass and homebound. Must be a fully initiated, practicing Catholic and be recommended by the Pastor.

Lectors - Proclaim the Word of God at Mass. Must have a deep love of Scripture and public speaking skills.

Ministry of the Deaf - provide Sign Language interpretation during the 10 a.m. Sunday Mass.

Music Ministry - Choir rehearsals are weekly.

Ushers - Assist in welcoming and seating the assembly, collecting the offering, and distributing bulletins.

Ongoing Training for Liturgical Ministers and Catechists is offered throughout the year. Please contact the church office at 904-824-6625 for more information

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